LCF Ladies at the Retreat

IMG_2254It all started July 30 when I received a call from Techu asking if I would be willing to invite the League of Corporate Foundations (LCF) ladies to the Hamlin Retreat in Alfonso on August 16.  I immediately agreed.  We had just finished celebrating the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) month, and the thought of having a break from work to relax, catch up with each other, and chat the day away seemed too good to pass up.

It was the brainchild of my LCF mentor, the lovely Lydia Sarmiento Enrile, who wanted to gather the ladies for a leisurely day of bonding.  Soon the emails were flying back and forth as plans hatched, the menu firmed up, transportation issues settled, and more friends confirmed. Maurice Ligot of Ang Hortaleza Foundation promised to bring along her therapists for some serious pampering with their signature foot massage.  Raffle queen Elaine Mapa galvanized into action.  Excitement was at an all-time high.  The list of confirmed guests grew longer: Vicky Garchitorena, Irene Labitad, Techu Tumbali, Cecile Alcantara, Camile Buenaventura, Malu Erni, Esther Santos, Ching Jorge, Tess Villacorta, Neury Chan, My  Almogino-Calara, Nicole Tirona, Rory Tolentino, Joyce Talag, Linda Atayde.

What I didn’t figure out was how busy my entire week leading up to the Saturday ladies date would be, with back-to-back meetings late into the night.  When would I ever find the time to shop, cook, and make all the preparations I wondered as Friday afternoon deepened into the evening? It was a relief to finally arrive at Alfonso, and to feel its peace settle in my soul.  Although we’ve had the farm for almost eight years, this was the first time I would ever sleep there alone.  It was blissful, and I slept like a babe, secure that Mike was watching over me, keeping me safe.

IMG_2244Early the next morning, I walked around the farm.  It still looked sad from being ravaged by the storm, but the birds were chirping, the cicadas were humming, and the sun was peeking out, though the sky still seemed downcast.  Internet connection was spotty, and has been since Glenda unleashed her fury on Alfonso, so I went looking for signal and finally found a faint one near the gate.  I was startled when loud band music began playing outside our gate.  And that’s when I found out that it was the town’s fiesta.  I asked Jeovanie to set up the tables out back, but he discouraged me saying it always rained on fiesta days.  Better to be safe and have the tables in the veranda.

IMG_2251Without Internet, I couldn’t make Jango work.  While searching for our music CDs, I came upon one that was still unopened, Pure Country.  Mike must have bought it.  Putting it on, I was soon dancing to country music.

IMG_2336And then the ladies started arriving.  Unfortunately some couldn’t make it and we missed their company. Laughing like little girls, we hugged and hugged each other.  With everyone speaking, the decimal level quickly shot up.  Pretty soon, we were partaking of the sumptuous lunch and gabbing our hearts away, taking turns at foot massages at the gazebo.

The afternoon passed quickly, and the ladies said good-bye but not before taking souvenir photos at the farm.  I could not let them go without having the diwata shot, and everyone gamely picked a tree and posed.


Lydia captured how we all felt in her email last night, “How wonderful it was to discover that we have not changed all these years… that we are still the same LCF ladies “na mababa ang kaligayahan… that we still shriek at winning the raffle whether it is a bag of potato chips or a P500 gift certificate from SM care of Linda Atayde who had to fly to Cebu, or a heavy bag of condiments from Splash care of Maurice.  Our afternoon was truly a fun-filled day thanks to all your contributions of food and sinful desserts. But most precious was sitting together, sharing stories once more, remembering friends in prayer and recounting past LCF fun days. Elaine Mapa continues to be our raffle queen. Most of all thank you, Monette for sharing your restful home with us, preparing the laing, fish and grilled vegetables, Malu for the adobo, Neury for the chicken a la king, lastly for the Cecille who saved the day for us by driving all the way to Alfonso.  I am sure I missed someone or something, I only know that we are all hopeless romantics listening and vicariously sharing Vicky’s love story. Irene Labitad cannot show up next time without a new found love in her life. Thank you all ladies for making time to renew friendships, laugh at our silly jokes and continue to be women who serve but also know how to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.  It is more fun with LCF friends. See you all in December!”

Truly, it was a day of fun and laughter well spent in the company of friends. I can’t wait till the next reunion!


3 thoughts on “LCF Ladies at the Retreat”

  1. thank you ladies for taking me in as LCF member again. please include me in your future acivities. and if you need an extra hand in anything, I am a willing volunteer! loveyou ladies!

  2. Loved your blog Monette! Please include me in your mailing list (using my personal email so big file can come in). Thanks for sharing your beautiful retreat – we could feel the love in that place! 🙂

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