A Study in Contrasts

Have you ever observed how a person eats halo-halo? And wondered what it tells you about him or her?

10686909_10203763776269172_733057220526937296_nConsider the halo-halo on the left. Notice how all the ingredients have been methodically mixed before being eaten.  Is this a person who goes with the flow, a relaxed individual with a simple view in life who takes things at face value and does not read more into them, someone who has integrated all the different aspects of life into one and come up with something even brighter and better?  Someone at peace with himself or herself?   Or is this a risk-taker, unafraid to try new things, an adventurous soul interested to see what may come, intent on trying out new adventures?

After all, a halo-halo is just that: a mixture of different fruits and vegetables with shaved ice, milk and ice-cream, which when combined gives a totally new taste and look.  Taken individually, each ingredient has its own qualities, but taken together, they bring a new meaning to desserts.  Sometimes, the result may not be as appetizing as each of the individual elements.  But sometimes too the resulting meld is fantastically delicious.

Now, look at the halo-halo on the right.  Here is a halo-halo with all the ingredients kept carefully separate, just as it was served, and enjoyed piece by piece.  Is this someone who keeps a tight rein on emotions, keeps areas of life distinct from each other so that each may shine brightly and not lose their individuality, much like first enjoying the nutty taste of beans, savoring the thick heavenly ube jam, then letting the sweet, creamy leche flan dissolve in the mouth instead of having one amalgamated fusion?  Is it a person with many interests, loathe to give up one for the other,  balancing each one precariously like the ube ice-cream on the mountain of shaved ice?

What an interesting notion it is when two such individuals meet.  Halo-halo, anyone?

One thought on “A Study in Contrasts”

  1. Ms. Monette, Interesting insight. Will enjoy reading your articles on this blog. Just had halo halo a couple nights ago and I don’t recall mixing the ingredients. hahaha…

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